obama loves israel so much…

that i think he loves it more than the u.s. in the midst of a financial crisis he seems to think that one budget item we must preserve american military exports and donations to the zionist terrorist state:

U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama has promised not to cut foreign aid to Israel if he is elected in November, a spokeswoman for Obama has said.

In a statement to the Israeli business daily Globes, a spokeswoman for Obama said he would honor existing agreements pertaining to foreign aid and as such was committed to “increasing aid to Israel to $30 billion over 10 years.”

In the vice presidential debate last week, Obama’s running mate Senator Joe Biden said their administration would have to hold back on plans to double foreign aid in general in light of the financial crisis in the U.S.

Israel is estimated to receive over $2.5 billion each year in foreign aid from the U.S., in addition to other grants for projects, such as joint military research and development.

and what will these weapons be used for you might ask? well, let’s see…:

In an interview Friday with the daily Yedioth Ahronoth, Eisenkot presented his “Dahiyah Doctrine,” under which the IDF would expand its destructive power beyond what it demonstrated two years ago against the Beirut suburb of Dahiyah, considered a Hezbollah stronghold.

We will wield disproportionate power against every village from which shots are fired on Israel, and cause immense damage and destruction. From our perspective, these are military bases,” he said. “This isn’t a suggestion. This is a plan that has already been authorized.”

a clue on the vocabulary: villages and neighborhoods are considered “military bases” to the israeli terrorists forces. of course they won’t only be used to terrorize and commit war crimes in lebanon. be sure they will be doing the same here in palestine. and maybe in syria. and maybe iran. that’s what obama stands for. what was it palin called israel again? oh yes, a “peace-seeking nation.” that’s right.

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